PGP College Of Agricultural Sciences

Social Impact

  • PGP Farmers club is functioning with farmers from several villages of Namakkal area. Soil health card is issued to the farmers.
  • Farmers regularly visit the campus for diagnosis of pest and diseases of different crops. The expert faculty members of PGPCAS provide required remedies.
  • Two- day Agricultural Summit & Exhibition was organised for the benefit of farmers. The Summit was inaugurated and honoured by Mr. V. Dakshinamoorthy, IAS, Collector, Namakkal, Dr. K. Ramasamy -Vice Chancellor, TNAU, Coimbatore, Dr. M. Bhaskaran, Vice Chancellor, TNOU, Chennai, Mr. Raghavan – Secretary, SICCI, Mr. K.P.P. Baskar, MLA, Namakkal & Mr. P.R. Sundaram, MP, Namakkal.
  • NABARD sponsored “Capacity Building for Adoption of Technology (CAT)” training programmes on “Cultivation of Azolla – low cost alternate feed substitute for cattle” and “Organic vegetable cultivation” were conducted to the 110 farmers of Sendhamangalam block.
  • Trainings on latest technologies like Crop production, Integrated pest management, Integrated nutrient management, Post-harvest technologies, Hi-tech Horticulture, Grafting in mango, Air layering in guava, Portray nursery, Mulching, Drip irrigation are given to the farmers by Faculties through Farmer’s training center (FTC) periodically.