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Rules And Regulations

B.Sc (Hons.)(Agri)

Rules And Regulations

Higher Secondary Course (HSC)/CBSE/Equivalent-Academic Stream

  • Rules and Regulations for the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (Semester system)
  • The Regulations provided herein shall apply to all the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
  • The system of instructions and education in the University will be SEMESTER COURSE CREDIT SYSTEM.


These regulations shall be called “Bachelor’s Degree Programme Rules and Regulations – 2016”.


  • Academic Year means a period consisting of two consecutive semesters including the inter-semester break as announced by the University/ Deans of respective colleges. The first year of study shall be the first and second semesters following a student’s admission. The second year of study shall be the third and fourth semesters; the third year, the fifth and sixth semesters and the fourth year, the seventh and eighth semesters.
  • Coordinator means a teacher of the faculty who has been nominated by the Dean concerned to look after academic matters of a particular year of the degree programme. He/she will attend to registration, preparation of time tables, and distribution of courses, regulation of credit load and maintenance of individual student’s records of the concerned batch.
  • Academic counselor means a teacher of the faculty who has been nominated by the Dean for counseling a group of students in academic matters.
  • Curriculum is a group of courses and other specified requirements for the fulfillment of the degree programme.
  • Curricula and Syllabi are a list of approved courses for Degree Programme wherein each course is identified with a three-letter code, a course number, outline of syllabus and credit assigned.
  • Course is a teaching unit of a discipline to be covered within a semester as detailed in the Curricula and Syllabi issued by the University.
  • Credit Load of a student during a semester is the total number of credits of all the courses a student registers during that particular semester.
  • A credit in theory means one hour of class room lecture and a credit in practical means two and a half hours of laboratory or workshop or field work per week. For example, a 1+1 course (2 credits) means 1 hour theory and 2½ hours practical per week.
  • Grade Point means the total marks in percentage obtained in a course divided by 10 and rounded to two decimal places.
  • Credit Point means the grade point multiplied by the credit load of the course.
  • Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) means the total credit points of the courses completed by the student divided by total credits of the courses. The OGPA is to be worked out and then rounded to two decimals.
  • Duration of Semester means the duration of each semester of 105 working days inclusive of the mid-semester and practical examinations but excluding the study holidays and final theory examinations.
  • Transcript Card is the consolidated report of academic performance of a student issued by the University on completion of the curriculum.
  • Class Grade Chart means a grade chart prepared by the Controller of Examinations indicating marks obtained by the students belonging to a particular class for each course.
  • Statement of Marks means a report of grades, credit point and OGPA obtained by a student in a particular semester.
  • Re-examination / Reappearance is an examination written for the failed courses by a student without undergoing regular class/ course.


  • Maximum Duration Permissible: The system of education followed for all the undergraduate programmes is Semester System with duration of four academic years (8 Semesters). The maximum duration permissible for a student shall be `n’ plus four academic years (16 semesters), where ‘n’ denotes the normal duration of the degree programme (8 semesters). The hostel facilities will be provided only for the actual duration of academic programme.
  • Credit Requirements: The minimum credit requirement for each Degree programme is 160.
  • Maximum Credit Load: A student can register for a maximum of 25 credits during a semester. An additional 1 or 2 credits shall be permitted at the discretion of the respective Deans of the colleges.
  • Course Teacher: The Dean concerned, in consultation with the respective Head of the Department, will nominate the course teacher for each course at the beginning of the semester. The course teacher shall be responsible to the Head of the Department in all matters connected with the conduct of the course. The Head of the Department will monitor the progress of the course(s) of the respective Department.
  • Academic Counselor: The Dean of the college will allot a group of not less than five students to the nominated Academic Counselor. The Academic Counselor will counsel the group of students in curricular and extra-curricular activities for the entire period of degree programme by conducting periodical meetings.
  • Class Time Table: At the beginning of each semester, the Dean of the college will prepare the class time table with the help of Coordinator of the respective year and announce the same.
  • Working Days and Time Schedule: Except Sundays and other listed holidays, all other days of a week including Saturdays are working days for the students.
  • Normal Working Hours: 7.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
  • Depending upon the need, the respective Dean will decide about the timings. Time schedule may vary in each teaching campus to suit the local needs.
  • Commencement and Closure of Semesters: The date of commencement and closure of semesters as well as inter-semester break shall be announced by the Deans of the college after the approval of the Deans’ committee. The schedule of the final theory examinations shall be announced by the Controller of Examinations in consultation with Deans of Colleges. The University through the Deans’ Committee should approve any deviation after dates are announced.
  • Inter-semester Break: A break of about 15 (fifteen) days shall normally be allowed between any two consecutive semesters. A longer inter-semester break during summer may be allowed every year, subject to a maximum of 30 days during May – June.
  • Academic Calendar: A common academic calendar shall be prepared by the Faculty Dean (Agriculture) every year by including the date of registration, date of mid semester examinations, final theory examinations, inter-semester break and summer holidays for all the undergraduate programmes. The Deans of all Colleges shall schedule the academic activities within the specified period without deviation.
  • Condensation of Semesters: The Dean concerned has the responsibility to adhere to the common Academic Calendar. However, under extraordinary situation upon the recommendation of Deans’ Committee and with the permission of the University, condensation of semester may be made up to a maximum of 10 days to cope up for examination schedule. The loss of classes in such cases should be compensated by special time table.


A course shall be offered only once in an academic year during the semester as listed in the course curricula and syllabi.

  • All eligible candidates shall register the requisite courses at the beginning of each semester IN PERSON under the guidance of the Co-ordinator. IN ABSENTIA registration will not be permitted under any circumstance.
  • Registration without fine: The courses prescribed for a semester can be registered on the date scheduled in the academic calendar. The registration is also permitted on the second day (which is the first working day of the semester) without fine.
  • Registration with fine: Late registration shall be permitted by the Deans concerned up to seven working days inclusive of the date of registration on payment of a late registration fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only).
  • Procedure to get permission for late registration: The student concerned shall apply with proper reason to the Dean concerned through the Academic Counselor and Coordinator to get the permission of the Dean for the late registration of the courses. Beyond the prescribed time limit, no student shall be permitted to register the courses for a particular semester.
Date of Registration23.07.2012 (Monday –1st Day)
Last date for Registration without fine24.07.2012 (Tuesday -2nd Day)
25.07.2012 (Wednesday -3rd Day)
26.07.2012 (Thrusday -4th Day)
27.07.2012 (Friday -5th Day)
28.07.2012 (Saturday -6th Day)
29.07.2012 (Sunday -Holiday)


  • A minimum of 80 per cent attendance separately in theory and practical of the concerned course is a must, failing which the student shall not be permitted to appear for both final theory and practical examination in the course concerned and grade ‘E’ (incomplete) will be awarded. The student must re-register the course when offered again, with the permission of the Dean.
  • For the first year first semester students, for calculating 80 per cent attendance the number of working days will be calculated only from the date of joining of the student.
  • Students failing to attend the classes/ examinations on unofficial ground will be treated as ‘absent’.
  • Hundred per cent attendance is compulsory individually in each of the courses like RAWE, VSP, AITP, ADO/ADA/NGO placement and All India study tour and similar other programmes.
  • The PED, NCC/NSS courses shall be registered during first semester and evaluated at the end of the fourth semester.
  • Students deputed for sports, cultural meets, etc., with prior permission of the Deans of the colleges shall be given attendance for the period of absence. However, students under this category must have attended a minimum of 50% classes in the total theory and practical classes conducted.
  • Calculation of Attendance
    THEORY CLASS: Number of classes conducted for a course from the first working day as per the time table to the last theory class of that semester is to be construed as the total number of theory classes conducted by the course teacher. The mid-semester examinations are normally conducted during class hours. The attendance for mid semester examination will be counted as a theory class. Final theory examinations will be conducted after 105 working days.
  • PRACTICAL CLASS:, The final practical examination will be conducted in the last practical class as per the time table which will not be considered as attendance for practical class of a particular course. The student belonging to a batch will attend classes and earn attendance in the particular batch only as per the time table. No student shall be permitted to attend along with another batch to gain attendance either in theory or in practical.


    • Mid Semester Examination: Writing the mid-semester examination is a pre- requisite for writing the final theory and practical examinations. Students failing to write mid-semester examination will not be permitted to attend the classes further in the course concerned and the student will be awarded ‘E’ grade. The mid-semester examination mark list should reach the office of the Controller of Examinations within fifteen days from the date of conduct of mid-semester examination.
    • Missing Examination: A student who fails to attend a mid-semester examination due to unavoidable circumstances shall be permitted with prior approval of the Dean to take up missing examination of the particular course, subject to payment of Rs.600/- for each missing mid-semester examination. Students deputed for official programmes of the University are exempted from paying the fee for missing test. Such missing examinations should be completed outside the regular class hours within 15 working days of the respective examinations. Attendance will not be given for taking up missing examinations. The missing examinations are allowed only for mid-semester examinations and not for final theory and practical examinations.
    • Theory Examination: An examination schedule approved by the Dean and the Controller of Examinations for the mid-semester and final examinations, respectively, shall be final. Laptop is mandatory for e-classroom and online examinations.
      1. Duration for mid-semester and final theory examinations
      2. Mid semester : 1 hour (Online)
      3. Final theory (Handwritten)
      4. 1+1, 2+1, 1+2 and 2+2 Credits : 2½ hours (40 marks)
      5. 1+0, 2+0 and 3+0 Credits : 3 hours (60 marks)
      6. 0+1 and 0+2 credits : 3 hours (60 marks)

      Exam pattern

      Mid Semester examination – Online Mode

      Final Theory Examination – Hand written mode

      Practical Examination: The Deans of Colleges will announce the schedule of final practical examinations. The Controller of Examinations, based on the proposal sent by the Deans concerned, will nominate the external examiner and the course teacher shall be the internal examiner. In case of affiliated colleges, the external examiners will be exclusively nominated by the Controller of Examinations. In the event of external/ internal examiner nominated for practical examination could not conduct the examination, then the Dean concerned shall nominate an alternative examiner to conduct practical examination in anticipation of approval by the Controller of Examinations. Submission of bona fide practical records certified by the Course Teacher is a pre-requisite for appearing in the practical examinations failing which ‘F’ grade will be awarded. The duration of practical examination shall be two and a half hours. The practical marks should be communicated to Controller of Examinations within 10 days of the last working day.If a student fails to write practical examination, `F’ grade will be awarded if he/she has 80% attendance. The student has to appear for the reappearance examination (vide rule 7.6)

      Postponement of Final Examination: Whenever the Government declares holidays on the dates of final examinations, the examination that falls on the particular date will be postponed to the date after the last examination as per the original examination schedule.

      Improvement and Re-examination: Improvement and re-examination is permitted only for the final theory and practical examinations. The students are permitted to write the improvement and re-examinations as and when conducted with the permission of Deans of Colleges. Improvement and re-examination fee of Rs.250/= up to 9 credits and Rs.500/= for 10 – 25 credits is to be paid on or before the prescribed date. A student is permitted to write either theory or practical examination alone or both in the reappearance examination for the failed subjects. A student is permitted to write reappearance examination for the failed subjects only three times during n+4 years duration excluding the regular final examination (Mid-term assignment and continuous evaluation record marks will be retained as such and student must produce the evaluated record). In the event of a student failing to secure a pass in the three re-examinations permitted he/she has to reregister the course along with juniors. The registration for the improvement/re-examination shall be done on the date specified by the Controller of Examinations. Each registration is considered as an attempt even if the student is absent for the examination. The latest theory / practical examination marks will be retained for the subsequent reappearance examinations for which the student has not opted.

      The student having an OGPA of less than 6.50 is eligible to improve the grade point only once in courses with grade point less than 8.00. A student who has an OGPA of 6.50 and above is not eligible to improve his/her grade points in any course. In case a student fails to secure higher grade point in the subsequent attempts, the higher grade point secured by the student either in regular or improvement examination will be accounted. Improvement and re-examination will not be applicable to industry and institutional educational tours, RAWE, agro industrial tie-up programmes, crop production, NSS, NCC and physical education courses. The camp requirement in NSS and NCC may be allowed along with juniors if the student has secured more than 80% attendance in the regular courses.

      In order to register for the III year courses (V semester), the students should have completed successfully all the I year courses registered.

      In order to register for final year courses (VII semester) the students should have successfully completed all second year courses registered.

      The students of last batch undergraduate students of every syllabus pattern are exempted from the rules 7.6.1. and 7.6.2 and they can continue their studies in their respective batch.

      Mess due clearance certificate has to be produced by every student before taking the final examinations.

      The minimum grade point to be secured for a pass in a course is 6.00.

      A student has to maintain a minimum OGPA of 6.50 out of 10.00 at the end of final year (VIII semester) to become eligible for the award of degree. Reappearance examination for the undergraduate failed subjects shall be conducted once in six months, during the semester breaks for 100 marks.


      All educational tours are compulsory; those who miss the study tours for any valid reason must re-register and undertake the tour along with juniors to complete the degree programme.

      The study tour shall be conducted within the 105 working days. The evaluation procedures applicable for educational tours are given in Annexure I. The course teachers will do the evaluation of the educational tour.

      Field trips are compulsory. If any student is absent for field trips, the student will be marked absent for all compensating classes on the day of the field trip in addition to the field courses.

      The Deans of Colleges are empowered to organize all educational tours and field trips by following the University norms.

      The students should wear white full trousers and blazer during Industry and Institutional Educational tours and during University / college official functions.


      A student who discontinues the first semester (I year) without getting permission from the Dean concerned will not be re-admitted. However, the student who discontinues the first semester (I year) for genuine reasons with the prior permission of the Dean (within 30 days) will be re-admitted in the first semester of the next year along with the junior batch (I year) of students with the approval of the Academic Council.

      Students admitted to any of the courses discontinuing their studies with permission of concerned Dean before completing the course may be re-admitted to the course, if they should have completed at least one semester before such discontinuance.

      A student discontinuing studies temporarily on valid and genuine grounds with prior permission of the Dean of the College will be awarded Grade ‘E’ for all the registered courses. The student has to rejoin with the permission of the Dean at the beginning of same semester along with junior batch of students on payment of a re-registration fee of Rs.600/- and semester fee.

      When a student discontinues his/her studies in a semester (other than the first semester) on his/her own accord after getting the written permission of the Dean concerned or by the order of the University, he/she shall be re-admitted in the same semester where he/she discontinued, along with the junior batch of students.

      In case of revision of curricula and syllabi the student has to complete all the course works in the original syllabus in which he/she has joined, by registering equivalent / special semester courses (or) the student has to forgo all the courses registered so far in the original curricula and syllabi and register all the courses from first semester in the new syllabus along with juniors.

      A student shall not be allowed to discontinue consecutively, beyond a period of two semesters. If the discontinuance period exceeds two semesters the name of the student will be removed from the roll.

      A student who discontinues a course in the undergraduate degree programme is not eligible for admission again to any other undergraduate degree programme of the University. An undertaking to this effect shall be obtained from the student by the Dean concerned at the time of discontinuation.

      10. QUESTION PAPER SETTING AND EVALUATION The mid semester question papers will be set and answer papers evaluated by the course teacher concerned and the mid semester exam is on line. The semester final theory question paper for all the courses will be set by the Controller of Examinations after obtaining question papers from external examiners outside the University. The practical examination will be conducted and evaluated by the external examiner with the help of internal examiner. The Controller of Examinations will arrange for evaluation of semester final theory papers with external examiners. 11. EVALUATION OF COURSE WORK The results of the course shall be indicated by grade points ranging from 0 to 10. The minimum grade point to be secured for the successful completion of a course will be 6.00. Securing a grade point less than 6.00 in a course will be treated as ‘F’ and the grade point will be 0 for calculating the GPA/OGPA. In case of course with theory and practical, minimum of 50% mark separately in theory and practical with an aggregate of 60 per cent is essential. An OGPA of 6.50 shall be the minimum requirement for the award of Degree. The following symbols shall be used E – INCOMPLETE (Lack of 80% Attendance)F – FAILEDRR – RE-REGISTRATION RE – RE- EXAMINATIONIE – IMPROVEMENT EXAMINATIONEE – INCOMPLETE FOR REASONS OTHER THAN ATTENDANCE


      If it is established that the result of a candidate has been vitiated by malpractice, fraud or other improper conduct and that he/she has been a party to malpractice connivance or improper conduct of another student, the Vice Chancellor shall have the powers at any time to amend the results of such a candidate and to make such declaration as the Vice Chancellor may deem necessary on that behalf including return of prize, scholarship money and debarring the candidate from the University for such periods as may be specified and to cancel the results of the candidate in such manner as the Vice Chancellor may decide.
      In case of new admissions, the students should pay the first semester fees on the date specified failing which admission will be cancelled.
      In other cases, the fees are payable within seven working days including the date of registration. If the seventh day happens to be a holiday, the next working day shall be the last date for payment of fees without fine.
      In case of default of full payment within seven working days, a fine of Rs.100/- along with semester fees will be collected. The students who fail to pay tuition fees “within 30 days” of commencement of the semester will not be allowed to attend classes and their name will be struck off the rolls.
      Students who are away on study tour or other extra-curricular activities organized by the University or Colleges concerned with proper permission from the Dean may, however, pay their tuition fees and other fees within three working days after they return from such assignments.
      A student who has been granted scholarship by the Adi-Dravidar Welfare Department or by the Government of India or State Government through the Director, Adi-Dravidar Welfare, Chennai will however be exempted from the levy of fines, provided the scholarship is actually sanctioned to him/her. In case of default of payment on the day next to the day of the disbursement of the scholarship amount, the student shall be permitted to pay the fees within seven working days by paying a fine of Rs.15/- failing which the name will be struck off the rolls. The concession mentioned above will apply to those who have actually been granted scholarship and not those who have applied for and are expecting sanctions.
      In case of a student who re-registers with junior batch, he/she has to pay the tuition fee applicable to the junior batch semester in which he/she registers besides re-registration fee.
      In the case of two overlapping of semesters the student need not pay the semester fee for the registration of courses in the overlapping semester, but overlapping period should be within 40 days from the date of registration of the regular semester.
      Collection of Penalty for Special Semester Courses: A penalty equivalent to tuition fee in addition to special semester fee is to be collected from the students who register for special semester.
      In case of a student who registers courses along with juniors after completion of four year study period the student need to pay all the fee including self- supporting fee as applicable to junior batch students.
      Fee for Newly Admitted Candidates

      • Newly admitted candidates will pay the fee to the Deans of the concerned campus. The students shall register the course only after payment of all the fees.
      • Candidates who discontinue after registering the courses are not eligible for refund of any other fee except caution money deposit.
      • At the time of payment of fee from the second semester onwards, the student shall produce the identify card and no-due certificate from the hostel.


      The Deans concerned can permit the students who are having arrear subjects beyond n+4 years to write the supplementary examinations. The supplementary examination is applicable only for the Trimester / Semester students who have joined the degree programme up to 2002.
      The students having arrear subjects beyond n+4 years shall be permitted to write the supplementary examinations by registering the course in the concerned college where the student had undergone the degree programme. The Controller of Examinations will intimate the examination schedule after the receipt of Registration Card from the Dean concerned. The examination will be conducted 15 days after the receipt of the Registration Card from the Deans of Colleges.
      Students who have passed all the courses in a degree programme, but failed to secure the minimum OGPA shall be permitted to write the improvement examinations in subjects in which they secured less than 7.5 /10.0 for semester students and courses with C & D grade for trimester students. The attempt in respect of improvement for a course is only once. For improvement examination the total number of credits should not be more than 25.
      Students who have exhausted the supplementary examination provision, have to re-register the equivalent course along with juniors, under existing rules whenever offered. Based on the request from the students, the Head of the Department shall recommend to the Deans concerned the equivalent course for approval. In case of short fall of credits to meet the minimum credit requirements in the award of degree in the event of registering equivalent courses at the end of the programme, the Deans concerned can nominate a committee of two senior Professors to suggest the course to be studied for satisfying the total credit requirement.
      All the students who are re-registering courses beyond the prescribed duration of n+4 years should pay two times of current semester fee, besides fee prescribed for re-registration of courses.
      For supplementary and improvement examinations twice the current prescribed fee has to be paid. In case of trimester batch, a penalty of Rs.3500/- over and above the examination fee, and for semester batch earlier to 1995, a penalty of Rs.1500/- over and above the examination fee has to be paid.


      If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of these regulations, the Vice-Chancellor may issue necessary orders which appear to him to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty.
      Every order issued by the Vice Chancellor under this provision shall be laid before the Academic Council of the University immediately after the issuance.
      Not-withstanding anything contained in the rules and regulations, the Academic Council shall make changes whenever necessary.


      1. Students of B. Sc. (Agri.), B. Sc. (Hort.) and B. Tech. (Hort.) who have successfully completed up to sixth semester.
      2. Minimum OGPA requirement up to the sixth semester is 7.5/10.00.
      3. Students with arrear subjects are not eligible.
      Course Transfer from NSAC to TNAU

      The credit requirement to ful fill the TNAU degree in B. Sc. (Agri.)/B. Sc. (Hort.) and B. Tech. (Hort.) is 15 core course credits and 9 optional course credits from NSAC.

      Marking system:

      Minimum mark for pass is 60% and the minimum mark to complete the degree programme is 65%. The marks awarded by NSAC shall be converted into 10 point scale by TNAU.

      Award of degree

      On completion of three semesters and after conduct of examinations, the NSAC will provide the complete grade chart to TNAU for arriving OGPA and course completion certificate of TNAU.