<.php class="no-js" lang="zxx"> PGP College Of Agricultural Sciences

Hands on learning

Experiential learning

Experiential learning provides an opportunity to develop analytical and entrepreneurial skills, knowledge through meaningful hands-on-experience and enhances their confidence for designing and execution of agribusiness units.
Experiential learning courses offered

  • Plant Tissue Culture
  • Ornamental Plant Nursery
  • Sericulture
  • Soil Testing
  • Bee Keeping
  • Mushroom Culture
  • Vermicompost
  • On Farm Advisory for Soil Health, Water Quality and Plant Nutrition
  • Project

    Project work provides an opportunity to the students to synthesize knowledge from various areas of learning, and critically and creatively apply it to practical situations. Also the students learn the plan of conducting the research work and retrieving the outcomes.

    Crop Production

    The students are provided hands-on training programmes especially in field crop production techniques from seed to seed. Each student will be allotted with 5 cent area and have to raise crops during Kharif and rabi seasons.

    Earn while learn programme

    Under Earn-While-You-Learn programme, students are encouraged to cultivate vegetables like onion, gourds, bhendi, greens, cluster bean and mushroom

    Practical classes

    For the effective conduct of practical classes, fifteen laboratories have been established with all required instruments. All the laboratories are furnished with eight work tables each made up of galvanized iron provided with granite tops to accommodate five numbers of students per table. All the laboratories are completely equipped with required instruments essential for conducting the practical.
    The students are exposed to field experiences viz., ploughing, sowing, irrigation, weeding, fertilization, harvesting ,post-harvest management of crops, vermicompost preparation, mushroom production, bee keeping, mulberry production, Azolla production, broiler production, Nursery seedlings production, vegetable cultivation etc., Along with the field experiences, the students also gain knowledge in terms of handling lab equipments, analysing devices, Agrl. Engineering machineries, chemicals, fertilizers, tissue culture, utilization of audio visual aids, etc.,