<.php class="no-js" lang="zxx"> PGP College Of Agricultural Sciences

Instructional Farm

The college has an instructional farm area of 37.5 acres. of which farm office complex, Fertilizer godown, Implements shed, Threshing floor and farm ponds occupy an area of 9.5 acres and the rest is utilised for crop cultivation.

Kitchen garden Medicinal garden Model Orchard Shade Net Mist Chamber Dairy animal shed Calf shed Goat Unit Workshop for Agricultural implements
Statement Summary
S.No. Unit Nos.
Crop Management
1 Crop Cafeteria Unit 01
2 Museum 01
3 Vermicomposting Unit 01
4 Farm Waste Compost unit 01
5 Sick Plot Unit - Pests & Diseases 01
6 Threshing Floor 01
7 Azolla Production Unit 01
Allied Sciences (Horticulture & Animal Husbandry)
11 Kitchen garden 01
12 Medicinal garden 01
13 Model Orchard 01
14 Shade Net 01
15 Mist Chamber 01
16 Threshing Floor 01
7 Azolla Production Unit 01

Crop cafeteria is the demonstration of identified efficient crops in an agro-metrological region offering an opportunity to the farmer to choose a suitable crop.

An agricultural museum is a museum dedicated to preserving agricultural history and heritage

  • Showcasing agricultural models and photographs.
  • Developing a better understanding and appreciation of the various stages of agricultural growth at a national and state level
  • Showcasing contemporary issues and the latest technological developments and equipment in the field of agricultural science

A vermicompost unit has been established and maintained for the production and supply of earth worms and vermicompost to cater the needs of the station as well as farmers.

  • Vermicomposting is the process of degradation of organic wastes by earthworms to achieve three objectives viz.,
  • To upgrade the value of organic waste material so that it can be reused
  • To produce upgraded materials in-situ
  • To obtain a final product free of chemical or biological pollutants.

Threshing (thrashing) was originally "...'to tramp or stamp heavily with the feet'..." and was later applied to the act of separating out grain by the feet of people or oxen and still later with the use of a flail'
A threshing floor is of two main types:

  1. A specially flattened outdoor surface, usually circular and paved,
  2. Inside a building with a smooth floor of earth, stone or wood where a farmer would thresh the grain harvest and then winnow

Azolla is an aquatic floating fern, found in temperate climate suitable for paddy cultivation. As green manure, Azolla is grown alone for two to three weeks in flooded fields. Afterwards, water is drained out and Azolla fern is incorporated in the field before transplanting of paddy.

Fungi culture is the cultivation of mushrooms and other fungi. Cultivating fungi can yield food, medicine, construction materials and other products. A mushroom farm is in the business of growing fungi.

An apiary (also known as a bee yard) is a location where beehives of honey bees are kept. Apiaries come in many sizes and can be rural or urban depending on the honey production operation. Furthermore, an apiary may refer to a hobbyist's hives or those used for commercial or educational usage

Medicinal garden as a herb garden or a garden of simples, specialised medicinal gardens have been made at least since the Middle Ages, though plants were grown for medical purposes long before. A 'simple' is a herb used on its own in medical treatment. Many modern drugs are, of course, extracted from herbs and other plants. But modern herb gardens are used more for cooking than for medical purposes.

Green Net, Plastic net, Agro Shade net are applied in various horticulture and agriculture cultivation of crops, shade net is also used as scaffolding nets, construction nets, Interior and exterior decoration. Green Net is also used as bird protecting nets.

Mist chambers are suitable for maintaining ambient humidity and temperature that helps in rooting of cuttings of Eucalyptus, Casuarina, Bamboos and all medicinal plants species and hardening of Tissue-Cultured plants. Our Mist Chambers have the capacity to produce millions of saplings round the year.

The animal sheds should have proper facilities for milking barns, calf pens, calving pens and arrangement for store rooms etc. In each shed, there should be arrangement for feeding manger, drinking area and loafing area. The shed may be cemented or brick paved, but in any case it should be easy to clean.

Poultry farming, raising of birds domestically or commercially, primarily for meat and eggs but also for feathers. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are of primary importance, while guinea fowl and squabs (young pigeons) are chiefly of local interest.

Given the lack of other permanent water sources, farm ponds have become a source of water for domestic use, drinking water for animals, supplementary irrigation of summer crops and for small-scale irrigation of highly valuable dry season crops.