PGP College Of Agricultural Sciences



The curriculum strives to give sound theoretical knowledge to the students backed up by constant practical exposure. It is designed to nurture a strong character imbued with human values and an all-round development in fields of academics, sports and other activities. ‘Learning by Doing’ is the hallmark of all education and training imparted to the students.

Courses offered

  • B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture
    Duration : 4 Years ( 8 Semesters)
  • Diploma (Agri)
    Duration : 2 Years ( 4 Semesters)

Medium Of Instruction – English

Academic Audit Committee

Academic Audit Committee is formed with an aim to transform the institution into dynamic promoter of change in the field of sustainable agriculture and rural development through innovative Teaching, Research and Extension methods. To aid in this endeavour, the management constituted an Academic audit committee with eminent agricultural scientists to give direction with national perspective over a period of time.


  • Three batches of students passed out with a total Academic excellence of 96%.
  • Our College motivated Students to take up higher studies in abroad and four students got selected
    in Australian College of Agriculture and Horticulture (ACAH), Melbourne, Australia and one student in Lake head University, Canada.